Terns are a type of sea or water birds of the family Sternidae. Many are migrants that travel long distances. They have slender bodies and pointed wings. The tails are mostly forked. thus many of them dive into the water to get their food fish. Some will hover above to pick up small food fish when they come to the surface. other will feed on insects too. They are generally long life birds that can live up to and in excess of 25-30 years.
In Malaysia there are 17 species which I will add here as and when I get to photograph them.
LITTLE TERN (Sternula albifrons). Small tern with forked tail. Breeding birds have black crown, nape and eye stripe and yellow bill while non breeding have white crown, black legs and bills. Usually in small groups along coastal water, rivers and inland ponds and lakes. Usually hover above water to pick up fish.
WHITE WINGED TERN (Childonias leucopterus). Breeding birds have black head, chest, upper and lower
Flock of White-winged Terns. |
White-winged Tern. |
part. The bills are yellow with black tips. Can be seen in groups. Sometime hover over water to pick up fish.
Whiskered Tern |
WHISKERED TERN (Clidonias hybrida). Non breeding birds have greyish and white forehead, black bill and streaks in the eyes. Skim low over water or plunging in to get their food.
Whiskered Tern |
A flying tern looking for food. | |
A hovering tern picking up a morsel. |
D) BLACK-NAPED TERN (Sterna sumatrana). Except for black nape, it is mostly white in clour. It has a deeply forked tail and narrow black bill.
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